// para of the block
tag_t block, copyBlock, blockFeature;
char * para[3] = { "length=60", "width=60", "high=60"}; // the block's length, width, and high
//parameters of scale
double scale[3]={1, 2, 0.5}; //the scale for X, Y, Z
int type = 2;
int count = 1;
//parameters of trace curve , they are no use in this programme.
tag_t traceGroup;
//create the block
UF_MODL_create_block1(UF_NULLSIGN, origin, para, [$blockFeature)]
UF_MODL_ask_feat_body(blockFeature, [$block)]
//before scale , we must delete the expression on block
UF_MODL_put_list_item(list, block);
//create the transform matrix of scaling
uf5944_([$type, scale, origin, blockMtrx, &err)]
if(err) uc1601("create matrix of SCALE error!", 1);