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我用UIS作了2个对话框,第一个:lgl_01.dlg,第二个:lgl_02.dlg;lgl_01.dlg由MenuScript调用,很简单,只要ACTIONS lgl_01.dlg就可以,但lgl_01.dlg对话框调用lgl_02.dlg对话框,不知道怎么改代码,请高手帮帮忙 (见附件)
/* These include files are needed for the following template code. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_exit.h>
#include <uf_ui.h>
#include <uf_styler.h>
#include <uf_mb.h>
#include "lgl_01.h"
/* The following definition defines the number of callback entries */
/* in the callback structure: */
/* UF_STYLER_callback_info_t CHANGE_cbs */
#define CHANGE_CB_COUNT ( 2 + 1 ) /* Add 1 for the terminator */
The following structure defines the callback entries used by the
styler file. This structure MUST be passed into the user function,
UF_STYLER_create_dialog along with CHANGE_CB_COUNT.
static UF_STYLER_callback_info_t CHANGE_cbs[CHANGE_CB_COUNT] =
static UF_MB_styler_actions_t actions[] = {
{ "lgl_01.dlg", NULL, CHANGE_cbs, UF_MB_STYLER_IS_NOT_TOP },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } /* This is a NULL terminated list */
extern int lgl(int *response);/*自己定义的函数
extern void ufsta (char *param, int *retcode, int rlen)
int error_code;
if ( (UF_initialize()) != 0)
if ( (error_code = UF_MB_add_styler_actions ( actions ) ) != 0 )
char fail_message[133];
UF_get_fail_message(error_code, fail_message);
printf ( "%s\n", fail_message );
int CHANGE_apply01_cb ( int dialog_id,
void * client_data,
UF_STYLER_item_value_type_p_t callback_data)
/* Make sure User Function is available. */
if ( UF_initialize() != 0)
/* ---- Enter your callback code here ----- */
UF_terminate ();
/* Callback acknowledged, do not terminate dialog */
/* A return value of UF_UI_CB_EXIT_DIALOG will not be accepted */
/* for this callback type. You must respond to your apply button.*/
int CHANGE_action_0_act_cb ( int dialog_id,
void * client_data,
UF_STYLER_item_value_type_p_t callback_data)
{ int response;
/* Make sure User Function is available. */
if ( UF_initialize() != 0)
/* ---- Enter your callback code here ----- */
UF_terminate ();
/* Callback acknowledged, do not terminate dialog */
/* or Callback acknowledged, terminate dialog. */
/* return ( UF_UI_CB_EXIT_DIALOG ); */
WARNING!! This file is overwritten by the UIStyler each time the Styler
file is saved.
Filename: lgl_02_template.c
This file was generated by the UG User Interface Styler
Created by: lgl
Version: Unigraphics V18.0.0.16
Date: 07-28- 4
Time: 17:10
This template file is overwritten each time the UIStyler dialog is
saved. Any modifications to this file will be lost.
  urpose: This TEMPLATE file contains C source and static structures to
guide you in the construction of your UG/Open application dialog.
The generation of your dialog file (.dlg extension) is the first step towards
dialog construction within Unigraphics. You must now create a UGOpen
application that utilizes this file (.dlg).
The information in this file provides you with the following:
1. Help on the use of the functions, UF_MB_add_styler_actions and
UF_STYLER_create_dialog in your UG/Open application. These functions
will load and display your UIStyler dialog in Unigraphics.
An example of the function, UF_MB_add_styler_actions to associate your
dialog to the menubar is shown below (Search on Example 1).
An example of a invoking a dialog from a callback utilizing
UF_STYLER_create_dialog is also shown below (Search for Example 2).
An example of a user exit utilizing UF_STYLER_create_dialog is also
shown below (Search for Example 3).
2. The callback structure: --- CHANGE_cbs ---
This structure is VERY important if you have callbacks associated with
your dialog. It correlates the dialog items in your dialog with the
callback functions you must supply. You should not modify this
structure since it MUST match up to the information stored in your
dialog file (.dlg). Any attempt to do so will cause an error while
constructing your dialog. If you wish to modify the association of
your callbacks to your dialog, please reload your dialog file (.dlg) into
the UIStyler and regenerate your files.
You do not need to be concerned about this structure, simply pass it as
an argument to the function, UF_STYLER_create_dialog along with your
dialog file (.dlg).
Example 1 displays the actual call you may make for this particular
3. The empty callback functions (stubs) associated with your dialog items
have also been placed in this file. These empty functions have been
created simply to start you along with your coding requirements.
The function name, argument list and possible return values have already
been provided for you.
NOTE: Each callback must be wrappered with the functions UF_initialize()
and UF_terminate().
/* These include files are needed for the following template code. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_exit.h>
#include <uf_ui.h>
#include <uf_styler.h>
#include <uf_mb.h>
#include "lgl_02.h"
/* The following definition defines the number of callback entries */
/* in the callback structure: */
/* UF_STYLER_callback_info_t CHANGE_cbs */
#define CHANGE_CB_COUNT ( 2 + 1 ) /* Add 1 for the terminator */
The following structure defines the callback entries used by the
styler file. This structure MUST be passed into the user function,
UF_STYLER_create_dialog along with CHANGE_CB_COUNT.
static UF_STYLER_callback_info_t CHANGE_cbs[CHANGE_CB_COUNT] =
UF_MB_styler_actions_t contains 4 fields. These are defined as follows:
Field 1 : the name of your dialog that you wish to display.
Field 2 : any client data you wish to pass to your callbacks.
Field 3 : your callback structure.
Field 4 : flag to inform menubar of your dialog location. This flag MUST
match the resource set in your dialog! Do NOT ASSUME that changing
this field will update the location of your dialog. Please use the
UIStyler to indicate the position of your dialog.
static UF_MB_styler_actions_t actions[] = {
{ "lgl_02.dlg", NULL, CHANGE_cbs, UF_MB_STYLER_IS_NOT_TOP },
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } /* This is a NULL terminated list */
/*---------------- MENUBAR HOOKUP HELP Example -------------------
To launch this dialog from a Unigraphics menubar, you must follow
the steps below.
1) Add the following lines to your MenuScript file in order to
associate a menu bar button with your dialog. In this
example, a cascade menu will be created and will be
located just before the Help button on the main menubar.
The button, LGL_02_BTN is set up to launch your dialog and
will be positioned as the first button on your pulldown menu.
If you wish to add the button to an existing cascade, simply
add the 3 lines between MENU LAUNCH_CASCADE and END_OF_MENU
to your menuscript file.
The MenuScript file requires an extension of ".men".
Make sure that you add the extension to the file and place
the file in your startup directory:
$UGII_USER_DIR/startup or
$UGII_SITE_DIR/startup or
$UGII_VENDOR_DIR/startup directory
Move the contents between the dashed lines to your Menuscript file.
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
LABEL Dialog Launcher
LABEL Display lgl_02 dialog
ACTIONS lgl_02.dlg
! ---------------------------------------------------------------
2) Issue a call to the function, UF_MB_add_styler_actions from the ufsta
user exit as shown below. To use this call, remove the conditional
definitions: #ifdef MENUBAR_COMMENTED_OUT
The static structure, actions, will allow you to associate ALL of your
dialogs and callback functions to the menubar at once. For example, if you
wish to have 10 dialogs associated to 10 different buttons on the menubar,
you may enter each dialog and callback list into the actions structure. Make
sure that you have created a corresponding button in your MenuScript file.
You may also have separate shared libraries, each with a ufsta user exit
for each individual dialog.
3) Place your compiled and linked ufsta user function in
$UGII_USER_DIR/startup or
$UGII_SITE_DIR/startup or
$UGII_VENDOR_DIR/startup directory.
NOTE: The user function must contain the proper extension .so, .sl or .dll
to make ensure that it is recognized by the MenuScript. If it does not
have the proper extension, it will NOT be recognized by MenuScript.
The action name you have provided in your MenuScript must correspond to
to the dialog name provided in the action structure. This MUST match inorder
to bind your dlg file to your MenuScript button.
4) Copy your UIStyler dialog file to the proper directory.
All dialog files (.dlg) must be located in
$UGII_USER_DIR/application or
$UGII_SITE_DIR/application or
$UGII_VENDOR_DIR/application directory
extern void ufsta (char *param, int *retcode, int rlen)
int error_code;
if ( (UF_initialize()) != 0)
if ( (error_code = UF_MB_add_styler_actions ( actions ) ) != 0 )
char fail_message[133];
UF_get_fail_message(error_code, fail_message);
printf ( "%s\n", fail_message );
/*-------DIALOG CREATION FROM A CALLBACK HELP Example ----------
If you wish to have this dialog displayed from the callback of
another UIStyler dialog, you should:
1) Make sure that the callback of your UIStyler dialog is
designated as a dialog building callback.
2) Remove the conditional definitions:
3) Your callback should issue a call to this function.
4) You should also add the funcitonal prototype to your header file
(lgl_02.h) and ensure that the file is properly included.
All dialog files must be located in
$UGII_USER_DIR/application or
$UGII_SITE_DIR/application or
$UGII_VENDOR_DIR/application directory
extern int lgl(int *response)
int error_code = 0;
if ( ( error_code = UF_initialize() ) != 0 )
return (0) ;
if ( ( error_code = UF_STYLER_create_dialog ( "lgl_02.dlg",
CHANGE_cbs, /* Callbacks from dialog */
CHANGE_CB_COUNT, /* number of callbacks*/
NULL, /* This is your client data */
response ) ) != 0 )
char fail_message[133];
/* Get the user function fail message based on the fail code.*/
UF_get_fail_message(error_code, fail_message);
UF_UI_set_status (fail_message);
printf ( "%s\n", fail_message );
return (error_code);
To create this dialog from a user exit, you must invoke a
call to the UG/Open API, UF_STYLER_create_dialog. An example
is shown below.
All dialog files must be located in
$UGII_USER_DIR/application or
$UGII_SITE_DIR/application or
$UGII_VENDOR_DIR/application directory
1) Remove the conditional definitions:
2) Add a user exit to the function name below, for example, ufusr.
3) Consider how your shared library will be unloaded. Take a look
at the generated function ufusr_ask_unload.
extern void <enter a valid user exit here> (char *param, int *retcode, int rlen)
int response = 0;
int error_code = 0;
if ( ( UF_initialize() ) != 0 )
if ( ( error_code = UF_STYLER_create_dialog ( "lgl_02.dlg",
CHANGE_cbs, /* Callbacks from dialog */
CHANGE_CB_COUNT, /* number of callbacks*/
NULL, /* This is your client data */
&response ) ) != 0 )
char fail_message[133];
/* Get the user function fail message based on the fail code.*/
UF_get_fail_message(error_code, fail_message);
UF_UI_set_status (fail_message);
printf ( "%s\n", fail_message );
This function specifies how a shared image is unloaded from memory
within Unigraphics. This function gives you the capability to unload an
internal UG/Open application or user exit from Unigraphics. You can
specify any one of the three constants as a return value to determine
the type of unload to perform: immediately after user function
execution, via an unload selection dialog, or when Unigraphics terminates
terminates. If you choose UF_UNLOAD_SEL_DIALOG, then you have the
option to unload your image by selecting File->Utilities->Unload Shared
NOTE: A program which associates UG/Open applications with the menubar
MUST NOT use this option since it will UNLOAD your UG/Open application image
from the menubar.
extern int ufusr_ask_unload (void)
/* unload immediately after application exits*/
/*via the unload selection dialog... */
/*return ( UF_UNLOAD_SEL_DIALOG ); */
/*when UG terminates... */
/*return ( UF_UNLOAD_UG_TERMINATE ); */
You have the option of coding the cleanup routine to perform any housekeeping
chores that may need to be performed. If you code the cleanup routine, it is
automatically called by Unigraphics.
extern void ufusr_cleanup (void)
/*---------------------- UIStyler Callback Functions ----------------------*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Callback Name: CHANGE_constructor_cb
* This is a callback function associated with an action taken from a
* UIStyler object.
* Input: dialog_id - The dialog id indicate which dialog this callback
* is associated with. The dialog id is a dynamic,
* unique id and should not be stored. It is
* strictly for the use in the UG/Open API:
* UF_STYLER_ask_value(s)
* UF_STYLER_set_value
* client_data - Client data is user defined data associated
* with your dialog. Client data may be bound
* to your dialog with UF_MB_add_styler_actions
* or UF_STYLER_create_dialog.
* callback_data - This structure pointer contains information
* specific to the UIStyler Object type that
* invoked this callback and the callback type.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CHANGE_constructor_cb ( int dialog_id,
void * client_data,
UF_STYLER_item_value_type_p_t callback_data)
/* Make sure User Function is available. */
if ( UF_initialize() != 0)
/* ---- Enter your callback code here ----- */
UF_terminate ();
/* Callback acknowledged, do not terminate dialog */
/* A return value of UF_UI_CB_EXIT_DIALOG will not be accepted */
/* for this callback type. You must continue dialog construction.*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Callback Name: CHANGE_apply02_cb
* This is a callback function associated with an action taken from a
* UIStyler object.
* Input: dialog_id - The dialog id indicate which dialog this callback
* is associated with. The dialog id is a dynamic,
* unique id and should not be stored. It is
* strictly for the use in the UG/Open API:
* UF_STYLER_ask_value(s)
* UF_STYLER_set_value
* client_data - Client data is user defined data associated
* with your dialog. Client data may be bound
* to your dialog with UF_MB_add_styler_actions
* or UF_STYLER_create_dialog.
* callback_data - This structure pointer contains information
* specific to the UIStyler Object type that
* invoked this callback and the callback type.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int CHANGE_apply02_cb ( int dialog_id,
void * client_data,
UF_STYLER_item_value_type_p_t callback_data)
/* Make sure User Function is available. */
if ( UF_initialize() != 0)
/* ---- Enter your callback code here ----- */
UF_terminate ();
/* Callback acknowledged, do not terminate dialog */
/* A return value of UF_UI_CB_EXIT_DIALOG will not be accepted */
/* for this callback type. You must respond to your apply button.*/