在Rhino中,圓柱會是由2個manifold edge 加上1個Seam edge組成
在ProE中, 圓柱上下圓的Edge會自動分成兩個半圓, 所以圓柱側邊也會出現兩個Edge
那使用NX時卻只有圓柱上下圓的Edge,如何透過API得到圓柱側邊面的Seam Edge呢?
Seam edge: seam edge is connected to an edge, is part of an outer, inner or slit loop, and one other trim from the same loop is connected to the edge. (There can be other mated trims that are also connected to the edge. For example, the non-mainfold edge that results when a surface edge lies in the middle of another surface.) Non-mainfold "cuts" have seam trims too.