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CATDocument * pProductDocument = NULL;
rc = CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument("E:\\14V_1\\ass2\\r14WK.CATProduct",pProductDocument);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL == pProductDocument) ) AfxMessageBox(_T("2!"));
/* ----------------------------*/
/* 2. Retrieves Root Product */
/* ----------------------------*/
// Begin navigation through the document => start with the RootProduct.
CATIDocRoots* piDocRootsOnDoc = NULL;
rc = pProductDocument->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDocRoots,
(void**) &piDocRootsOnDoc);
if ( FAILED(rc) ) AfxMessageBox(_T("3!"));
// get the root product which is the first element of root elements
CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var * pRootProducts =
CATIProduct_var spRootProduct = NULL_var;
if (pRootProducts && pRootProducts->Size())
spRootProduct = (*pRootProducts)[1];
delete pRootProducts;
// Get CATIProduct handle on the root product.
CATIProduct *piProductOnRoot = NULL;
rc = spRootProduct->QueryInterface(IID_CATIProduct,
(void**) &piProductOnRoot);
if ( FAILED(rc) ) AfxMessageBox(_T("3!"));
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Imports an existing CATProduct under the root product. */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
CATDocument *pDocPart = NULL;
CATIProduct *piInstanceProd = NULL;
// load the given CATPart
rc = CATDocumentServices::OpenDocument(ifileName,pDocPart);
if ( FAILED(rc) || (NULL==pDocPart) ) AfxMessageBox(_T("4!"));
// agregates an instance of the CATPart root element under the product
rc = OpenResource::AddExternalComponent(piProductOnRoot,pDocPart,&piInstanceProd);
if ( FAILED(rc) ) AfxMessageBox(_T("5!"));
/* ---------------------------------------*/
/* 3. Retrieves children under the root */
/* ---------------------------------------*/
// then on a root product, get all the children agregated to it.
CATListValCATBaseUnknown_var* ListChildren = piProductOnRoot->GetChildren("CATIProduct");
/** @anchor err_2 piProductOnRoot not set to NULL after release */
int numberOfChildren = 0;
numberOfChildren = ListChildren->Size();
CString str;
str.Format(_T("%d"), numberOfChildren);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* 4. For each child, get its partNumber, and InstanceName */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------*/
CATIProduct_var spChild = NULL_var;
CATIProduct_var spChild1 = NULL_var;
spChild = (*ListChildren)[6];
spChild1 = (*ListChildren)[7];
spChild->GetShapeRep(spCATILinkableObject ,"Default", CATPrd3D, TRUE);
CATDocument * pCATDocument=NULL;
CATInit *pInitOnDoc=NULL ;
pCATDocument->QueryInterface(IID_CATInit,(void **) &pInitOnDoc);
CATIPrtContainer *pPrtCont = NULL ;
pPrtCont= (CATIPrtContainer*) pInitOnDoc->GetRootContainer("CATIPrtContainer");
CATIPrtPart_var spPart = pPrtCont->GetPart();
为什么编译的时候能够成功,而在运行的时候到最后一句CATIPrtPart_var spPart = pPrtCont->GetPart();就出错啊?
这几天被搞得没有信心学了啊.... |