Get the default job options and banner options for use in
the "print" call for each sheet
UF_CALL( UF_PLOT_ask_default_job_options( &job_options) );
UF_CALL( UF_PLOT_ask_default_banner_options( &banner_options ) );
/* Supplying a drawing sheet tag causes the default job
name to have the sheet name appended to it
UF_CALL( UF_PLOT_ask_default_job_name( drawing_sheet, &job_name ) );
/* Print the sheet. The "Printer One" printer MUST be
defined in the default Printer group for your system.
The "<System Profile>" profile is the default SDI
profile. You can alter these two parameters to match
your installation.
UF_CALL( UF_PLOT_print( drawing_sheet, &job_options, job_name,
&banner_options, "PDFCreator",
"A4", copies ) );
UF_free( job_name );
/* Unload Handler
** This function specifies when to unload your application from Unigraphics.
** If your application registers a callback (from a MenuScript item or a
** User Defined Object for example), this function MUST return
extern int ufusr_ask_unload( void )
} 作者: xichulaishi 时间: 2014-6-5 10:49
用VS的F11来找问题吧,直接就是跳出来成功,实在没法看到程序的运行问题,所以发上来求DEBUG方法作者: jimk 时间: 2014-11-13 08:37