Public Sub GetOperationList()
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
Dim lst As ListingWindow
Dim arrOpers() As NXOpen.CAM.Operation
Dim stOpers() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim theUI As UI = UI.GetUI()
Dim CAM_GRP_COL As CAM.NCGroupCollection
Dim n As Integer
Dim nSpace As Integer
Dim nCouGroup As Integer
Dim nd As New System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
lst = theSession.ListingWindow
arrOpers = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMOperationCollection.ToArray
ReDim stOpers(arrOpers.Length - 1)
For i = 0 To arrOpers.Length - 1
stOpers(i) = arrOpers(i).Name.ToString
CAM_GRP_COL = workPart.CAMSetup.CAMGroupCollection
Dim stList(stOpers.Length + 100) As String '最多允许100个文件夹。
n = 0
nSpace = 8
nCouGroup = 0
nd.Name = "NC_PROGRAM" : nd.Text = "NC_PROGRAM"
SortOperNames(lst, CAM_GRP_COL, "NC_PROGRAM", stOpers, n, stList, nSpace, nCouGroup, nd)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub SortOperNames(ByRef lst As ListingWindow, ByVal CAM_GRP_COL As CAM.NCGroupCollection, ByVal stName As String, ByRef stOpers() As String, _
ByRef nIndex As Integer, ByRef stList() As String, ByRef nSpace As Integer, ByRef nCouGroup As Integer, ByRef nd As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode)
Dim nCGroup1 As CAM.NCGroup = CType(CAM_GRP_COL.FindObject(stName), CAM.NCGroup)
Dim arrGrps() As CAM.CAMObject
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim NND As Windows.Forms.TreeNode
arrGrps = nCGroup1.GetMembers
For i = 0 To arrGrps.Length - 1
'lst.WriteLine("判断:" + arrGrps(i).Name.ToString)
For j = 0 To stOpers.Length - 1
If arrGrps(i).Name.ToString = stOpers(j) Then
Exit For
End If
If j >= stOpers.Length Then
NND = New Windows.Forms.TreeNode
NND.Name = arrGrps(i).Name.ToString : NND.Text = arrGrps(i).Name.ToString
nd = NND
nCouGroup = nCouGroup + 1
stList(nIndex) = Space(nSpace) + arrGrps(i).Name.ToString + "*"
nIndex = nIndex + 1
nSpace = nSpace + 8
SortOperNames(lst, CAM_GRP_COL, arrGrps(i).Name.ToString, stOpers, nIndex, stList, nSpace, nCouGroup, nd)
stList(nIndex) = Space(nSpace) + stOpers(j)
nIndex = nIndex + 1
NND = nd.Nodes.Add(stOpers(j))
NND.Text = stOpers(j)
End If
nSpace = nSpace - 8
nd = nd.Parent
End Sub