Finds where the radius of curvature is smallest on a face (or a collection of faces) on a solid or sheet body. This option is useful for locating a tiny region with a very small radius of curvature (a "hook" or "reversal" in the surface) that otherwise might go unnoticed. You can use this option to detect glitches in your geometry, or to determine the size of the cutting tool needed for machining the part.
You can use Face Analysis to create displays for a number of analysis types, including shaded, color-coded plots, color-coded spines on face grid points, and face reflections. Face Analysis displays can be useful for detecting inflections, variations, and defects on faces. You can also use Reflection options to create particular environments. This can be useful for visualizing objects and evaluating their aesthetic quality. You can dynamically rotate and zoom the face analysis display. This option allows you to select multiple faces and display temporary color analyses.
To automatically set the Display Mode to Face Analysis in the work view, if it is not already, open the Face Analysis dialog.